Monday, February 10, 2025
HomeAstro VaastuAgnihotra OR Magic Mix By Kismet Connection

Agnihotra OR Magic Mix By Kismet Connection

This TIP is tried and tested by many and has been using for many years. This Magic Mix OR Agnihotra shared by Dr Sahasrabudhe and highly recommended. I have added Cow dung to this Magic Mix and gives amazing results. While it burns – it gives fragrance of HAVANA that we do often at home or business premises; so its like performing small Havana rituals.

Initially, one should start on Auspicious day and do it continuously for 21 days during Sunrise and Sunset time aka after Sunrise and well before Sunset. One can follow this ritual daily for a life long OR else do it once a week or at least fortnight and especially on Poonam  (Full Moon) or Amavasya (No Moon) day. This rituals removes all types of negativities from the premise and brings all-new positive energies. Very effective rituals.

For Home: Light this near your house temple or where you do daily Pooja ideally NE. After you finish your daily Pooja – place the burning Magic Mix in South-East zone of the house.
For Business Premise: Light Magic Mix in West direction, chant one mala of Mantra (given below) OR one you believe in and after finishing chanting place the burning Magic Mix in South-East section of the premise (carry the mix from West direction to  WSW – SW – SSW – SSE – South – SE; keep it in South-East till it is fully burned.
Mantra to Chant: !! HREEM !!(Chant for 108 time, use Crystal Mala).

NOTE: Buy small copper HANDI to place the Magic Mix ingredients. Place cotton wick dipped in cow Ghee which ensures total burning of Magic Mix. Make sure Grains and Clove is whole and not broken.
!!! Alakh Niranjan !!!!

Watch this video for better understanding:


Benefits of Agnihotra OR burning Magic Mix:

Havana OR Homa is the Vedic science of purifying the atmosphere through fire. he basic principle is that you heal the atmosphere and in return, it heals you. The healed atmosphere heals prana — the vital energy that pulsates through us and connects us with the cosmos. In turn, prana heals the mind. The ancient Indian fire ritual for purification and improving health and happiness.

It is a Vedic ritual or sacrifice mentioned in the ancient scriptures Atharvaveda and described in detail in the Yajurveda Samhita and the Shatapatha Brahmana.  It is a process of purification of the atmosphere as a cumulative effect of various scientific principles harnessed to give rise to an unparallel purifying and healing phenomenon.

The positive effects of Agnihotra are an outcome of simultaneous functioning of many subtle scientific principles, such as the effect of chanting of specific sounds on the atmosphere and mind, energies emanating from the pyramid- shape, nutritional effects of burning the medicinal ingredients, effects of the bio-rhythms, etc. It balances the cycle of nature and nourishes human life. It creates a pure, clean and medicinal atmosphere. It cleanses the negative effects of pollution. Agnihotra fortifies the immune system and metabolism and harmonizes the body’s homeostasis.


Rohitt Shah
Rohitt Shah
Vastu Acharya, Master Numerologist, Astro-Vastu and Lal Kitab Expert, iBazi Profile Charter.


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