Friday, October 25, 2024
HomeiBaziiBazi Career Profiling - What Career Best suited to you

iBazi Career Profiling – What Career Best suited to you

We all are born on certain date and time – why not day/month/year before or after – because we have unfinished task from previous birth(s) to complete in this lifetime. If we stay off the course then same pattern continues to repeat life after life. Numerology is one of the best way to make most of this life because its derived from your date of birth. Numero report pen out your life plan to follow.

Like numerology, iBazi – the Chinese Astrology provides in depth information about you, your nature and best suited career for you. Many times we do job that we hardly enjoy because our passion is something different. For an example person working as a Software engineer but same person always had a passion for cooking but for financial or other reasons continue to work as SW engineer but inner self is not happy being a SW engineer but when gets an opportunity to do cooking he feels at home. Once person makes shift to Cooking – feels complete, enjoys stress free life.

iBazi is the programme that gives you exact career/Job option that is best suited to you based on your birth date. If you follow this career option that you truly have Work-Life Balance life. Read through case studies – how these people made it big and enjoys the riches.

One can get their iBazi career profile done and see what is best suited option for you. This is one of the best for student who are yet to choose career. Give your child right path so they have happy life.

Check out Famous Personalities Bazi career Profile

Order iBazi Career Profile Report for you or your child.

Here is the Sample Report

Career Profile Sample Report



Rohitt Shah
Rohitt Shah
Vastu Acharya, Master Numerologist, Astro-Vastu and Lal Kitab Expert, iBazi Profile Charter.


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