Effects of Dustbin in Different Directions-Zone of Vastu


जानिए, #डस्टबिन कौन-कौन से #वास्तु ज़ोन में बुरा या अच्छा प्रभाव देता है.

उत्तर दिशा में यदि डस्टबिन रखेंगे तो यह आपके करियर में नए अवसरों को ख़ारिज करता है. नौकरी ढूँढने वालों के लिए भी रोड़े अटकाता है. व्यापारियों के लिए तो और भी अधिक हानिकारक है. यहाँ रखा डस्टबिन पुराने क्लाइंट्स के साथ रिलेशनशिप ख़राब करता है और तो और, पेमेन्ट रिकवरी में भी घणी दिक्कत आती है.

अधिकांशतः बीमार ही रहते हैं तो फिर डस्टबिन नार्थ-नार्थ-ईस्ट में रखा है. ये कमज़ोर रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता का कारण बनता है. दवाइयां असर ही नहीं करती.

नार्थ-ईस्ट में डस्टबिन है तो नए क्रिएटिव आइडियाज बमुश्किल ही आते हैं. भ्रमित और दूरदृष्टि-विहीन रहते हैं और अपना लक्ष्य भी सही तरीके से निर्धारित नहीं कर पाते हैं.

आलसी और टालमटोल नेचर वाले लोगों के घर में ईस्ट-नार्थ-ईस्ट में डस्टबिन रखा होता है. अपने अतीत से नियंत्रित होते हैं ऐसे लोग.

पूर्व दिशान्तार्गत डस्टबिन वाले निवासी अपने खोल में ही रहते हैं. समाज और सामाजिक संपर्क की महत्ता को नहीं समझते. पड़ोसी तक से नहीं बनती. व्यापार में भी समस्याएं झेलनी पड़ती हैं.

बेस्ट प्लेसमेंट है ईस्ट-साउथ-ईस्ट. अनावश्यक विश्लेषण करने की आदत को नियन्त्रित करता है. ऐसे निवासी सही और लाभदायक विचार और आइडियाज पर अपना समय और उर्जा केन्द्रित करते हैं.

व्यापारिक पेमेन्ट अटक रहा है तो हो सकता है कि डस्टबिन आपके घर या वर्किंग प्लेस पर साउथ-ईस्ट वास्तु ज़ोन में रखा हो.

सेल्फ़-कॉन्फिडेंस और पॉवर में कमी का एक प्रमुख रीज़न है साउथ-साउथ-ईस्ट वास्तु ज़ोन में रखा डस्टबिन. यह शारारिक और मानसिक दुर्बलता का भी कारण बनता है.

साउथ में रखेंगे तो हमेशा रेस्टलेस ही रहेंगे. सारे प्रयास और कठिन मेहनत भी विफल होती है. कोई तारीफ़ भी नहीं मिलती.

वैसे साउथ-साउथ-वेस्ट भी बहुत अच्छी जगह है डस्टबिन रखने के लिए. सारी नाकारात्मकता और व्यर्थ के विचारों और भावनाओं को आपके मन से बाहर निकाल फेंकता है. आप चीज़ों को एक नए नज़रिए से देखने लगते हैं और फालतू बातों पर ध्यान तक नहीं देते हैं. जो जैसा है, उसे वैसे ही देखते हैं.

साउथ-वेस्ट में रखा डस्टबिन सबसे अधिक रिश्ते ख़राब करता है. इसकी वजह से परिवार के सदस्यों के बीच एक राय नहीं बनती है. अपने खून के रिश्तों तक को व्यर्थ मानने लगते हैं.

वेस्ट-साउथ-वेस्ट में डस्टबिन सेविंग्स को धुऐं की तरह उड़ा देता है. बच्चे पढाई से जी चुराने लगते हैं.

वेस्ट में डस्टबिन आपको आपकी मेहनत का फल ही नहीं देता. न कमा पाते हैं, न बचा पाते हैं.

डिप्रेशन है तो डस्टबिन को वेस्ट-नार्थ-वेस्ट में रखिये. डिप्रेशन तो दूर होगा ही, साथ ही आपके मन को शक्तिवान भी बनाएगा.

नार्थ-वेस्ट में डस्टबिन रखेंगे तो न तो आप किसी की मदद करेंगे और न ही आपकी ज़रूरत के टाइम कोई आपकी हेल्प करेगा. त्वचा रोग होने का एक कारण यहाँ रखा डस्टबिन भी है.

नार्थ-नार्थ-वेस्ट में रखा डस्टबिन विवाहित कपल्स की अंतरंग संतुष्टि को ठंडापन देता है. यही वजह है कि ऐसे कपल्स फिर अपने घर से बाहर सेक्स-संतुष्टि ढूँढ़ते हैं.

निदान: यदि आप डस्टबिन को स्थानांतरित करने में सक्षम नहीं हैं, तो डस्टबिन के नीचे पीले मैट रखने की कोशिश करें – यह उपाय बस काम कर सकता है। यदि नहीं, तो आपको वास्तु विशेषज्ञ से परामर्श करने की आवश्यकता है जो 16 दिशाओं पर काम करते हैं।


Know, Effects of #DustBin in different #VastuZone / #VastuDirections:

If you keep dustbin in the north direction, then it blocks new opportunities in your career. Blocks new opportunities to available for job seekers. It is even more harmful for the traders. The dustbin placed here spoils the relationship with older clients and furthermore, there is a lot of difficulty in payment recovery.

Most of the time owner remains ill, when Dustbin is kept in North-North-East. This causes weak immunity. Medications not effective.

If there is dustbin in the North-East, new creative ideas rarely come. They remain confused and visionless and are unable to set their goals properly.

The dustbin is kept in East-North-East in the house of people who are lazy and evasive nature. Such people are controlled by their past.

Residents with dustbins under the east direction remain in their shells. Do not understand the importance of social and social interaction. The neighbor does not get along. Business also has to face problems.

The best placement is East-South-East. Controls the habit of doing unnecessary analysis. Such residents focus their time and energy on the right and profitable ideas and ideas.

If the business payment is stuck, then the dustbin may be kept in the South-East Vastu Zone at your home or working place.

A major reason for self-confidence and power reduction is the dustbin in the South-South-East Vastu zone. It also causes physical and mental debility.

If you keep it in the south, you will always be restless. All efforts and hard work also fail. There is no compliment.

By the way South-South-West is also a very good place to keep dustbin. He throws all the negative thoughts and feelings out of your mind. You start looking at things from a new perspective and do not even pay attention to the stupid things. Let’s look at what it is.

Dustbin in the South-West spoils the relationship the most. Because of this, an opinion is not formed among the family members. They even consider their blood relations to be meaningless. Also spoils relationship with co-workers/employees.

Dustbin in West-South-West blows savings like smoke. Children start to avoid their studies.

Dustbin in the West does not give you the results of your hard work. Neither earn nor save.

If there is depression, place the dustbin in the west-north-west. Depression will not only go away, but will also make your mind strong.

If you keep dustbin in North-West, you will neither help anyone nor will anyone help you at the time of your need. Dustbin kept here is also a cause of skin disease.

The Dustbin placed in the North-North-West chills the intimate satisfaction of married couples. This is the reason why such couples again seek sex-satisfaction outside their home.

REMEDY: If you are not able to move dustbin then try placing yellow matt underneath the dustbin – this remedy may just work. If not then you need to consult Vastu expert who works on 16 directions.



Avoid these 10 things near your premise


These are the top 10 things one should avoid or consider before buying House/flat/office/shop or factories. Watch this short video for the bad effects of these 10 things.

  1. Cell Towers / Electricity transmission lines
  2. Avoid Gutter
  3. Avoid Temple/ Religious place
  4. Avoid Hospital
  5. Avoid T Junction
  6. Avoid Un-Even Road
  7. Avoid Large Buildings
  8. Avoid Mountains/Hills
  9. Avoid Dump Yard
  10. Water Bodies/ Canal



Ssri Rohit Shah
Vastu Acharya, Master Numerologist, Astro-Vastu Consultant
+635 6661666 OR +9049410786

Results without Demolitions
FB Link: www.facebook.com/kismetconnection.in
YouTube Channel: Kismet Connection
Subscribe/like and share my FB and YouTube page. Visit for daily Tips – easy to follow and result oriented.








अष्टलक्ष्मी योग जब राहु जन्म कुण्डली के छठे भाव में होता है और बृहस्पति केन्द्र में होता है तब इस योग का निर्माण होता है। अष्टलक्ष्मी योग से अभिप्राय है व्यक्ति सभी प्रकार के सुख साधन सम्पन्नता को प्राप्त करता है।

जब RAHU 6 वें घर में होता है (एक शक्तिशाली दुश्मन को दूर करेगा या एक बड़ी स्थिति- लड़ाई / युद्ध / मुकदमेबाजी मजबूत दुश्मन से लड़ती है लेकिन यहाँ यह राहु 6 वें घर में एक विजय बनाता है)। यह एक शुभ, अनुकूल परिणाम के रूप में भाग्य के एक स्ट्रोक को दर्शाता है। समृद्ध होने की स्थिति; अपने जीवनकाल में सौभाग्य रहा।

उदाहरण के लिए, भगवान राम कुंडली में यह योग है। कुछ हालिया व्यक्तियों का नाम रखने के लिए-मोदी मोदी और सचिन तेंदुलकर ने अपने चार्ट में इस योग को रखा।

Ashtalakshmi yoga is formed when Rahu is in the sixth house of the birth chart and Jupiter is in the centre (KENDRA). Ashtalakshmi yoga means a person attains all kinds of happiness.

The Ashtalakshami Yoga signifies the Eight-fold Prosperity & abundance Wealth –

When the RAHU is in the 6th house (One will overcome the powerful enemy or a big situation- battle /war/litigation fights with strong enemy however here this Rahu in 6th house makes one Victory). This shows auspicious, favorable outcomes akin to a stroke of luck. The condition of prospering; having good fortune in his/her lifetime.

For Instance, Lord Ram chart has this Yoga. To name a few modern-day persons -even Modi Ji and Sachin Tendulkar have this Yoga in his chart.


Sri RAM Kundali:Sachin Tendulkar Kundali :


For Personal Consultation, reach out to us via

Ssri Rohit Shah
Vastu Acharya, Master Numerologist, Astro-Vastu Consultant
+635 6661666
Results without Demolitions, we ensure results

FB Link: www.facebook.com/kismetconnection.in
YouTube Channel: Kismet Connection
Subscribe/like and share my FB and YouTube page. Visit for daily Tips – easy to follow and result oriented.


Your Personal Influencing Number – The PIN

There are meanings attached to each of the Personal Influencing Numbers (PIN) with favourable and unfavourable direction. For an Influencing Number 7 person, NW is his prosperity direction, SW is the health and so on. If you are aspiring for more money, or promotion or better business, then you should try to face the Sheng Chi (Living Chi) or Prosperity direction. If your health is not so great, then try the Tian Yi (Heavenly Doctor) or Health direction. Finally, if you have everything that you need and just want a peaceful, uneventful life, then try the Fu Wei or Stability direction.

In the Fengshui system, the house also has a Personal Influencing Number which is determined by the sitting direction of the house. There are favourable and unfavourable sectors. For maximum effect with the Fengshui system, you should not just face your favourable directions but also locate yourself in a favourable sector. In Flying Star Feng Shui, energy groups split into two main directions, East and West. Your PIN determines which directions are the most auspicious for you. Once you determine your PIN, you can discover the best directions in which to face when sleeping, for your career, your relationships, business dealings and practically any other situation that arises in your life.

अपने व्यक्तिगत प्रभावित नंबर (पिन) के माध्यम से अपनी शुभ दिशा खोजें। व्यक्तिगत प्रभावित नंबर (पिन) अनुकूल और प्रतिकूल दिशाओं के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। उदाहरण के लिए – नंबर 7 व्यक्ति को प्रभावित करना, NW उसकी समृद्धि दिशा है, SW स्वास्थ्य है और इसी तरह। यदि आप अधिक धन, या पदोन्नति या बेहतर व्यवसाय के लिए इच्छुक हैं, तो आपको समृद्धि दिशा यानी NW का सामना करने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए। यदि आपका स्वास्थ्य इतना महान नहीं है, तो स्वास्थ्य दिशा का प्रयास करें। अंत में, यदि आपके पास वह सब कुछ है जिसकी आपको आवश्यकता है और बस एक शांतिपूर्ण, असमान जीवन चाहते हैं, तो व्यक्तिगत विकास की दिशा में प्रयास करें।

HOW TO CALCULATE YOUR PIN (Personal Influencing Number):

For Male:

  • Add all the digits of your birth year 
    • Example: 1980: 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 18
    • Keep reducing to a single digit:
    • 1 + 8 = 9
  • Subtract that number from 11
    • 11 – 9 = 2
    • Reduce to a single-digit number, if required
  • 2 is the personal Influencing number for males born in 1980

For Female:

  • Add all the digits of your birth year 
    • Example: 1979: 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 = 26
    • Keep reducing to a single digit:
    • 2 + 6 = 8
  • Add 4 to your single-digit number
    • 8 + 4 = 12
    • Reduce to a single-digit number, if required
    • 1 + 2 = 3
  • 3 is the personal Influencing number for females born in 1979

Below table highlights different Attributes for Influencing Number like Money/Success (Prosperity), Health/Immunity, Love/Relationship, Development/Growth.

As an example, Influencing Number 3 – South is the direction for prosperity, North for Health OR Immunity, For Development East is the direction.  


In your Personal Numerology Report you will also get to know unfavourable directions which one should avoid at all cost. Understand the traits of your PIN. Also, What Group and Metal are associated with the PIN. How to increase the energy of your PIN with simple tricks like the use of colours, bracelets – brings amazing results.

To order your personal Numerology Report –

WhatsApp: +635 666 1 666

Ssri Rohit Shah
Vastu Acharya, Master Numerologist, Astro-Vastu Consultant
+635 6661666
*Results without Demolitions*
FB Link: www.facebook.com/kismetconnection.in
YouTube Channel: Kismet Connection

Subscribe/like and share my FB and YouTube page. Visit for daily Tips – easy to follow and result oriented.

Tried and Tested TIPS by Kismet Connection


Welcome to Kismet Connection Mystic Tip page. Here you will find various Tips – Vastu, Numerology, Switch word etc….

All these tips are based on my personal experience so I tried and tested successfully. Before you use any tips, you must learn how to GRID your house/flat/shop or factory floor plan. Visit the below video to understand the griding of the floor plan. Vastu Chakra image can be found on Google.

Request: Please do share this link so like you others can also benefit. Do not forget to Like and subscriber to my website as well as YouTube Channel.




Vastu Chakra with 16 Directions and 32 Entrance By Kismet Connection


Use this VC (Vastu Chakra) to mark directions on your floor plan.

If you are unable to download the Vastu chakra image then copy the screen and use it. OR else search google for same.


One can also view my video on finding or marking directions on floor plan.

Year 2020 – Rahu Year extreme of things

Year 2020 = 2+0+2+0=4. 4 represents planet Rahu. Rahu means extreme of Bad and Good things. All types of Viruses are associated with planet Rahu. From the start of this year, we are witnessing the onslaught of #CoronaVirus OR #Covid19. This has also brought down the world economy to its knees. We still have the month of April as its again 4th month of the year.

Here are few Numerological and Vastu remedies to overcome bad effects of Rahu. 

Numerology remedies for RAHU:

#Covid19 total comes to number 4 so this is not helping the cause, all media houses should use the word #Covid2019 OR #CoronaVirus in their publication.

Number 4 represents planet Rahu. So if you have missing number 4 in your date of Birth then apply these remedies.

  1. Wear Gomed (minimum 5 carats) ring in Gold on Ring Finger OR Amethyst bracelet.
  2. Wear 5 Mukhi Rudraksha.
  3. Daily chant Gaytri Mantra.
  4. Place Maa Saraswati photo in NE.
  5. Avoid Non-Veg and Alcohol.

VASTU Remedies for RAHU:

  1. SW direction is associated with planet Rahu. Make sure SW is kept clean, with no anti-elements like White, Blue, Black, Grey colors here.
  2. SW has no cuts nor at a lower level than the rest of the direction.
  3. Keep small Ganpati Dad statue in SW – over RED cloth.
  4. Keep Dual Mountain picture in SW.
  5. Place Helix remedy in SW.
2020 is the year of Planet Rahu

#kismetconnection, #coronavirus #covid19 # covid2019  #worldin2020  #Year2020 #rohitshah  #rohittshah

Right Name Number can do Wonders by Kismet Connection

Right Name can do wonder

This TIP is tried and tested and works amazingly. The only challenge is setting the name of the person to right Name Number which synchronizes with your date of Birth.

Prerequisites for this is knowing your own favorite name numbers. Many will know which numbers work for them. If you are not sure which name numbers are suitable with your date of birth then you can order you summarized numerology report at a small cost of rupees 1900 INR

For example, I want a favor from a person name Rahul Desai. Existing name number of Rahul Desai is 31 but for my date of birth, the favorite OR lucky name numbers are 19, 24, 28, 37, 42 etc… So to get favor from Rahul Desai  I should save his name number to my lucky name number which can be either 19, 24, 28, 37 or 42 and so on.

So either I save Rahul Desai as Rrahul (where name total is 19) or Mr Rahul Desai (where name number total is 37) in my contact list and in the diary.

I have helped my clients with this formula and they have got amazing success – like getting business or favors from people by setting their name to lucky name numbers.


इस TIP को आजमाया और परखा गया और आश्चर्यजनक तरीके से काम किया गया। एकमात्र चुनौती व्यक्ति के नाम को सही नाम संख्या में सेट करना है जो आपकी जन्म तिथि के साथ सिंक्रनाइज़ होती है।

इस कार्य के लिए आवश्यक शर्तें आपके अपने पसंदीदा नाम संख्याओं को जान रही हैं। बहुतों को पता होगा कि कौन से नंबर उनके लिए काम करते हैं। यदि आप सुनिश्चित नहीं हैं कि आपकी जन्मतिथि के साथ कौन से नाम संख्या उपयुक्त हैं, तो आप 1900 रुपये की एक छोटी सी कीमत पर आपको अंक विज्ञान की रिपोर्ट का सारांश दे सकते हैं

उदाहरण के लिए, मैं राहुल देसाई नाम के एक व्यक्ति का पक्ष चाहता हूं। राहुल देसाई का मौजूदा नाम संख्या 31 है, लेकिन मेरी जन्म तिथि के लिए, पसंदीदा या भाग्यशाली नाम संख्या 19, 24, 28, 37, 42 आदि हैं … इसलिए राहुल देसाई का पक्ष लेने के लिए मुझे उनका नाम नंबर अपने नाम से बचाना चाहिए भाग्यशाली नाम संख्या जो 19, 24, 28, 37 या 42 हो सकती है।

इसलिए या तो मैं राहुल देसाई को अपनी संपर्क सूची में और डायरी में राहुल (जहां नाम कुल 19 है) या श्री राहुल देसाई (जहां नाम की कुल संख्या 37 है) के रूप में सहेजता हूं।

मैंने अपने ग्राहकों को इस फॉर्मूले के साथ मदद की है और उन्हें अद्भुत सफलता मिली है – जैसे कि अपना नाम भाग्यशाली संख्याओं में सेट करके लोगों से व्यवसाय या एहसान प्राप्त करना।

NOTE: उपरोक्त उदाहरण में, नाम अंग्रेजी नाम से लिया गया है लेकिन हिंदी नाम पर आधारित नहीं है


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Do you have number that will make you Rich and Famous


In my research, I found that if your Birth Date and Birth Month number is the same then chances of you becoming famous and rich is very much likely… for example, Akshay Kumar was Born on 9-September-1969 => 09 (Day) +09 (sept). I checked many names and it seems to be very true….
Another Example >> Sharad Pawar (Politician) and Rajnikanth (Famous Actor) 12-Dec-1940 and 12-Dec-1950 both have 3 & 3
Detail List:

Sign of you becoming famous and Rich.


Numerology Based 2020 Prediction as per Personal Year


The year 2020 Prediction as per Personal Year

First, 2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4 – Rahu. Rahu means only head part of the full body – also denotes extreme of things – Rahu is known for crossing the limits, create new rules, break old customs, revolution and to do what is unpredictable. Since Rahu is well known for manipulations and politics, this year will be the most significant year for the people who are in connection with politics, preaching, teaching, information technology, wireless communications, and revolutionary work.

How to Calculate Personal Year:

To calculate personal year – Requires details of your day of birth and the year for which you require the Personal Year Number, so in this case, we are looking for the year 2020.

E.g., If, your day of birth is January 10, Personal Year for 2020 can be calculated in the following manner: 10th-Jan-2020

  • Add day and month of birth and reduce it to a single digit.

It will be 10 (day)+ 1 (Birth Month) = 11 = 1+1 = 2

  • Reduce the year to a single digit. 2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4
  • Sum up the two figures and reduce it to a single digit if total is in two digit. 2+4 = 6.

Hence the Personal Year Number for a person born on 10th Jan is 6.

Now you can calculate your own Personal Year as shown in the above example.

Read below the Numerology Prediction 2020 for each Personal Year.

For Detail prediction for 1 to 9 personal Year open below PDF file:

Open Prediction Document: Year 2020 Prediction as per Personal Year


For the Year 2020 Kismet Connection highly recommends 3 products that everyone should have:

Year-2020 is the year of Rahu so expect sudden changes and uncertainty. We highly recommend the following items to all:

Must-have items for the year 2020 – actually for life:

  1. The Infinity Box – new design made from pure Sevan wood or known Sripani wood with Kaudi, gomti chakra, crystals, lotus bead etc…
  2. Keychain with Shri LaxmiJi and Switch words for Wealth, Health and Prosperity
  3. Personalized Yantra based on your own Date of Birth.

All these 3 auspicious items to keep for life and perfect for Gifting.

For any questions on Products – please WhatsApp on 6356661666 and we will respond at earliest.

Note: As this is more general prediction so may not be true for all. The outcome of prediction also depends on Vastu of premise individual lives and works, and personal Birth chart of the individual.

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